
contact information

Company name:Zhejiang Hengqiang Sewing Machine Group Co., Ltd., (ZHEJIANG ACME SEWING MACHINE CO.,LTD)
Address:No. 228 Xianmuxilu, Huzhen, Jinyun, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China


  • Absorb talents

    If you are motivated, passionate about their work - you officially that we need; if you are thinking, active, willing to innovate - we warmly welcome you to join.

  • Training talents

    "Learning and innovation" is the company's core values advocated. We believe that to improve the quality of staff is the enterprise to improve the quality assurance.

  • Enterprise values

    We advocate "employee growth business growth double growth" mode, in efforts to achieve the company's goals while also helping employees and self-realization, to provide a fair opportunity for each employee.

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  • Apply for:
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copyright ? 2015 Zhejiang Heng Qiang sewing machine Group Co., Ltd. | POEWR BY:bjwh

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