
Brand positioning: DIY sewing art life advocate

Brand slogan: stitch, stitch art life

Lazy afternoon sun, a few congenial girlfriend;
Stroll in the colorful Patchwork Place, perceive the color of life;
Between the needle jump, personalized cloth, vividly comes before us;
Sew a scarves for a birthday gift to lover; that is your exclusive memory;
Sew a Zodiac pattern to the children; it is your private custom;
Soft time, slow life;
Welcome to ACME Sewing Art Bar, to enjoy the fun of sewing!
Elegant woman, Noble temperament;
Welcome to ACME Sewing Art Bar, to show your femininity!

copyright ? 2015 Zhejiang Heng Qiang sewing machine Group Co., Ltd. | POEWR BY:bjwh

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